Do Property Managers in Murray Pay for Repairs?

Do Property Managers in Murray Pay for Repairs?

Property managers have a lot of responsibilities. Thus, it's easy for some facts to get lost in the shuffle.

One of these misunderstood points is property maintenance and who's responsible for covering these expenses.

It's important to note that property managers are employed by a rental property management company. Real estate investors pay these companies for their property management services. Therefore, the managers are not responsible for paying repairs out of their pockets.

Managers do, however, have access to funds when booking service calls with local maintenance companies, like HVAC technicians and plumbers. These funds are supplied by the property owner, also known as a reserve.

Let's delve deeper into this topic.

Full-Service Property Maintenance

When a real estate investor decides to work with a property management company, they have access to a full suite of maintenance services.

Property maintenance services include:

  • 24-hour maintenance service
  • Emergency repairs
  • Online maintenance request portals
  • Maintenance status updates
  • Maintenance expense reporting
  • Property inspections

Access to a large maintenance professional network is another highlight. For example, PMI Wasatch Front works with a large network of licensed and insured home service companies. Experienced property managers can also negotiate prices to provide reasonable rates to investors.

Investors pay fees for these services. The maintenance fees cover the costs of necessary repairs and upgrades.

Do Tenants Pay For Repairs?

The cost of maintenance is one reason to fill property vacancies as quickly as possible (with the right tenants, of course!)

Income generated from rent can cover maintenance fees issued by the property management company. Investors need to pay for inspections, and necessary repairs and upgrades to stay in compliance. These types of jobs are covered by the property owner.

Does a tenant ever pay for repairs?

There are times when a tenant is billed for maintenance. That decision rests on the property owner. For example, if a tenant requests a kitchen upgrade, like new countertops or appliances, they may be billed for the installation if there isn't a health and safety issue.

Generally, tenants are responsible for paying any repair costs they cause. This may include damaging flooring during a home makeover or breaking a window on accident. A tenant must prove they did not cause the accident.

Tenants are also responsible for covering the costs of damages caused by guests.

The above issues speak to the importance of good lease contract practices. Such stipulations should be addressed in the contract; this will mitigate potential problems with landlord-tenant relations.

A hired property manager can also communicate stipulations in person to avoid any confusion.

Property owners need to maintain rental properties to avoid maintenance conflicts. Investing in necessary repairs to ensure safety and visual integrity generates more lease renewals and income for portfolios.

Working with a full-service property management company will prevent maintenance issues from being overlooked.

Invest In Better Rental Property Management

It's crucial to dispel any myths about costs before investing in your first property. Remember, property managers don't pay for repairs; they're responsible for getting the job done.

Let us be your rental property management guide. Learn more about our maintenance protocol or call us to speak to a manager directly.
